Monthly Archives: March 2024

How Much Air Should I Put in My Tires

How Much Air Should I Put in My Tires

Maintaining the correct tire pressure is crucial for both vehicle performance and safety. Proper tire pressure ensures optimal handling, improves fuel efficiency, and extends tire life. However, many drivers may not be aware of the recommended tire pressure for their vehicles or how to check and adjust it.  Tire pressure refers to the amount of air inside a tire, measured in pounds per square inch (PSI). Every vehicle has a specific recommended tire pressure, which can usually be found in the owner's manual or on a sticker located on the driver's side door jamb or inside the fuel door. It's essential to adhere to these recommendations to ensure optimal vehicle performance, safety, and tire longevity. Problems with Incorrect Tire Pressure Driving with underinflated or overinflated tires can have adverse effects on your vehicle's performance and ... read more