Posted on 7/25/2022

Brake maintenance and replacement might save you money over time. But ideally, when should brake shoes or pads be replaced? There are signs and symptoms that can help you determine when brake replacement is needed. As long as you know what to look for, you will stay on top of any issues with your vehicle's brakes. Let's take a deep dive into when you should change your vehicle's brake pads or shoes. When you use the brakes on your vehicle, some friction material is worn off the pads and/or shoes. This material thins away as time passes, causing lengthy braking distances and damage to the discs and drums. Look for the following indicators to determine whether you need to change your brake pads or shoes: If the brake pads in the vehicle have wear, the driver may hear a whining, screeching, or squealing noise when the brakes are engaged. When brakes are exposed to wet or damp conditions, pads may make a similar screeching noise while used. Although if the ... read more