When you turn the key in the ignition of your car or truck your vehicle should instantly roar to life. The starting system should fire up the engine in just a few cranks in a healthy vehicle. However, if your engine is struggling to operate it may crank over and over before starting. That's not the only sign of trouble though. If you run into any of the following issues be sure to contact your local auto repair shop so that proper diagnostics and repairs can be completed to ensure your car is safe and reliable.
Knocking Noise
If you can hear a knocking noise coming from the front of your vehicle while driving your vehicle may be suffering from worn engine bearings. This noise will rise and fall with engine RPMs. The engine bearings are what the moving parts of the engine rest on and they will wear out after many, many miles of use. If this problem goes unchecked it could lead to a seized engine, which would likely require an engine replacement.
Increased Exhaust Smoke
Have you noticed your car spewing excessive amounts of exhaust smoke? This could be a disastrous sign for your motor. Depending on the color of the smoke you can often tell what the problem is. Black smoke is an indication that your car is burning too much gasoline. Blue smoke means that your car is burning oil and white smoke is generally a sign that coolant is being cooked in the combustion chamber.
Decreased Performance
There are many things that can result in decreased performance. If you ever notice a drop in fuel efficiency or if your car has trouble getting up to speed you'll want to visit an auto repair shop so they can restore your vehicle's operating abilities.
Rough Idle/Stalling
Another common sign of engine trouble is a rough idle or stalling. You may be sitting at a stop light and it could seem as if the engine is going to die, or it might die. This issue can often be resolved by replacing small affordable parts, such as spark plugs or ignition coils.
At Strande's Garage we take great pride in completing complex engine repair in Denton for most makes and models. Our full service auto repair shop is equipped with the latest diagnostic and repair equipment, ensuring fast and accurate service, every time. Give us a call at (940) 566-2156 to schedule an appointment for expert auto repair in Denton from the ASE certified techs at Strande's Garage.