Posted on 4/22/2022

The current winter season is coming to an end, and everyone is eager to enjoy the warmer weather during the spring season. Before road trips, visiting friends and families during spring, make sure you get rid of all ice, salt, and snow damage caused to your car during the winter season. In addition, prepare your vehicle for warmer weather during the summer season. Here, you get more details on how to prepare your vehicle for the spring season; continue reading; Check Your Tires During the winter season, snow-covered roads and cold air can be tough on your car tires. The snow can increase friction on your tire treads thus, increased tear and wear. In addition, the cold weather increases the chances of your tire pressure dropping. Thus, make sure you get an expert to get the health of your tire inspected. Inspect your windshield wipers The snow during the winter season keeps your windshield wipers in use. The increased wipers usage increases their tear and wears and thu ... read more